Saturday, April 12, 2008

Summer Reading Program Graphs: Competency 8

Reading by 9 partnered with public libraries in several southern California to help improve children's literacy. These graphs present the some of the results of the summer reading program. A variety of activities were used to encourage children to join the reading program, such as storytimes, excursians to baseball games, skit performances, puppet shows, and carnivals. Children were encouraged to meet reading goals with rewards such as posters, small toys, t-shirts, and Dodger's tickets.

Graph 2 shows that the amount of time spent reading increased during the summer reading program.

Graph 3 shows reading comprehension of participating and non-participating children. Although slightly more non-participating children were reading at grade level, significantly more participating children read above grade level.

Evaluation of the Public Library Summer Reading Program: Books and Beyond... Take Me to Your Reader!. 2001. Evaluation and Training Institute for the Los Angeles County Public Library Foundation, December.

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